She told me repeatedly that she was 47 years old; that was 2 years ago. Btw the women of that age commonly hide 10 years. So Debbie must be like 57 by now. But quite incredibly she has the audacity to play the role of the sexy girl on the TS forums. She says nasty messages about sex to Focalor who lights up like a firecracker.
So wtf? a dirty old woman with wet dreams, is now the erotic star of Focalor, Dervish and many others dreams.
No one ever saw a picture of Debbie with a sign, saying that is her. Debbie has such bad taste that she made a post with a funny nosed ugly whore, saying that it is her photo. That was enough to win the sympathy of the repressed homosexuals and compulsive masturbators.
Mainly Dervish who wets his pants and winks at Debbie. An old bitch and resentful slut that nobody wants.
Personally I think Dervish identifies with ugly Debbie - since he is also repudiated by many people because Dervish is weighed at birth.
So which one is more idiotic and loserish?
Debbie (a european old fag) or Dervish (A drugged up cocaine addict)?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Debbie, the 50 years old whore of xatrix & her lover Dervish

10 comentarios:
Dervish I believe in you!
I think Dervish is one of the most despicable people in the world of Quake 2.
hahahahahaha what a ugly nose!!! xD
Sure but your state of addiction does not allow you to be a reliable person. And all your arguments against me could be influenced by your lack of brain, riddled with cocaine :P
big LOL.. talks the lonely, sad, heroine and cocain addict girl who lost her father and now is in a black hole!
The comment about your father was done by Dervish, is a sad crap, but of course... he is who donates more money to Tastyspleenand (many Quadz winks for Dervish)
Yes my father died recently...
Here you have what you can expect from Tastyspleen people...
cowards.. and "anonymous"..
the jokes of Exterminander about my father loss it's another thing that made me hate that community.
Exterminander is a good friend of Quadz and Quadz is the owner of Tastyspleen.
Quadz gave it to Exterminander all my work and a server. And then Quadz baned me.
"Tell who are your friends and I will tell you who you are".
Also thats one of the reasons why tastyspleen will die.
Very shitty and dirty people, making fun of others' pain.
Making fun of someone because her father died is something pathetic.
Tastyspleen is like that. Tastypleen is made for people like this.
I thought deleting the comment about my father.
But finally I decided no, so you can see the reason for my reactions.
Is not the first joke about my dad who recently left me...
I am Receiving all kinds of insults, the same thing happened when I played in
So you can see what kind of people gather together this community..
And Quadz allow them.. so is an accomplice..
Congrats BILL, EX!! Debbie, Fader, Zeppelin..
For defending my self of this sort of things Quadz used to call me a Troll, and finally he Baned me.
Dervish you fucking faggot you, I will find u. sad piece of trash you
Dervish always does that kind of "jokes". Also, Exterminander... in his case is because his mother sexually abused him and now "exi" is emotionally disturbed
Oh, and I love the COOL community you made.
Quadz will never be taken seriously with a shit like Tastyspleen.
Seriously, It's absolutely pathetic.
Oh, and please publish this, although it's more like a message to you ;)
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